Prezident SR - Foto archív President Ivan Gašparovič received Slavica Đukić Dejanović, incumbent President of the National Assembly of Serbia

President Ivan Gašparovič received Slavica Đukić Dejanović, incumbent President of the National Assembly of Serbia

“I am very pleased to be able to meet with a top representative of a country that is so close to Slovakia, both historically and politically,” the Slovak President started off the meeting. Mr. Gašparovič said bilateral relations were very good and friendly; in the same vein, he noted, both countries should also intensify their economic relations, as well as relations in trade, culture, education and tourism. He added that the Slovak Republic was taking an active approach to development aid, helping Serbia with the implementation of more than a hundred projects worth over EUR 10.5 million. Mr. Gašparovič also praised the relations between the Slovak and Serbian Parliaments.

Slavica Đukić Dejanović confirmed that Serbia was grateful to Slovakia for considerable assistance in the country’s EU integration efforts. “I would like to express my gratitude for your official recognition of the Serbian minority in Slovakia, which became the 13th national minority based on your government’s decision last week.” According to the Serbian Parliamentary Speaker, economic cooperation has yet to reach the required level, and this area deserves more attention.

“In all areas Serbia has made great progress towards becoming a member of the EU,” the Slovak President noted, adding that: “Slovakia will be helpful with its experience, and we believe you will successfully complete the integration process.”

The Slovak President also touched on the issue of renewing the contractual framework in the areas of defence, education and social affairs. He also thanked the Serbian government for being interested in the lives of Slovak expatriates living in Vojvodina. “I think this is a good example of our mutuality,” the Slovak President said.

Integration and loyalty of Slovaks in Serbia as well as their interest in democratic developments in this country was praised by the Serbian Parliamentary Speaker as well. She also commented on the Kosovo issue. “The solution to the Kosovo issue shifted from the political level to the international level at the court in the Hague and we believe this issue will be resolved in line with the international law and UN Resolution No. 1244.“