Prezident SR - Foto archív Slovak President Receives Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister

Slovak President Receives Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister

Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič received Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Leonid Kozhara in Bratislava.

At the beginning of his meeting with the Ukrainian guest, the Slovak head of state said that “Ukraine is an important partner for us not only in economic and political terms, but also with respect to our common history, cultural proximity and Slavonic mutuality.”

According to President Gašparovič, Ukraine has made a significant progress towards its integration into the European Union. Speaking to Leonid Kozhara, the Slovak President emphasised that “Slovakia is a staunch advocate of Ukraine’s entry into the European Union.”

Though a lot of work still lies ahead of Ukraine, the Slovak President pointed that the Slovak Republic would do everything to help its eastern neighbour sign an association agreement with the EU at a summit to be held in Vilnius this spring.
The signing of the association agreement is a strategic issue not only for Ukraine, but also for other EU countries,” Leonid Kozhara said in reply. He added Russia would remain Ukraine’s strategic partner. “We share a belief that a reasonable solution will be the right one and the agreement with the EU will be signed,” he said. He hopes that the lifting of import duties will be the first important step for Ukraine.

The two officials also discussed the care Slovakia and Ukraine respectively provide to their Ukraine and Slovak minorities.