
Year 2009

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Slovak President Meets EC Commissioner

Slovak President Meets EC Commissioner

23. november 2009

The President of the Slovak Republic received European Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič in the Presidential Palace. Their talks revolved around the future of the European Union and the most crucial changes planned within this organisation, with particular reference to the interests of the Slovak Republic.

President Ivan Gašparovič confirmed that Slovakia wanted an important EC portfolio, adding that Šefčovič was held in high esteem as a respected member of the European Commission. “I am glad that his position in the Commission is good and very well received. I am therefore convinced that he will represent Slovakia in the position of an EC commissioner with some important portfolio,” the Slovak President said.

Ivan Gašparovič reiterated his objections concerning the functioning of the EU. “I am not very happy to see the European Union embark on a road of exceptions,” he repeated, noting that “an organisation relying on exceptions does not have to end up well.” After the meeting with Šefčovič, President Gašparovič said that “we joined the EU on a voluntary basis, therefore our duty is to comply with those terms to which we agreed.“

Maroš Šefčovič said their talks had also touched on his activities as the EC Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth. At the end of this week, “the last session of education ministers and ministers responsible for culture and youth will be held to assess the developments in this area within the last tenure.” The individual members of the Commission will present their project of cooperation between the EU and committees in the future.

Šefčovič and the Slovak head of state also discussed Slovakia’s ambition to get the post of EC commissioner for energy. In this context, the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico held talks with the EC President.

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