Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2006 | First Lady welcomed Euro MP´s
First Lady Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová welcomed on 9th October 2006 in Bratislava female members of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament, led by its chairwoman Mrs. Anna Záborská.
The unique and successful activities and projects of our First Lady and their dissemination to the international arena have been appreciated by members of the Committee. They highligted the fact that she has taken a topic that was taboo in Slovakia – i.e. women’s rights and their overall status in society.
As Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová said, "we have a good legislation, but awareness and education from a very early age is missing,. Promoted is the view that injustice against women is mostly an economic one. It is so important that women can be active, can realize themselves, be autonomous and independent." In this can be an example the Folk Academies based by the First Lady, thet are preparing and orienting women to self-employment. In collaboration with other organizations she tryies to build an crisis center for abused women.
Euro MPs also recognized the fact that even at official visits abroad the First Lady is working on her projects, she acquires and transmits her experience and they wish that their mutual awareness and cooperation will be intensified. For example, even with two new releases, which were developed in the European Parliament. The first one should be the creation of a central European-wide helpline for women and the second one establishing of the Day against human trafficking.

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