Prezident SR - Foto archív President of the Slovak Republic meets with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea

President of the Slovak Republic meets with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea

President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič received the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea, Han Seung-soo. “We are happy to be able to say that our relations in the area of politics as well as the economy reach a high level,” Ivan Gašparovič said.

According to the President, outside of Europe the Republic of Korea is one of the most important partners for the Slovak Republic. They are a partner to which Slovakia would like to offer the possibility of building research and development centres under favourable conditions in the area of high-tech products. “Slovakia is, even today, able to receive further inward investments as well as to make its own investments abroad,” the President said.

At the meeting, the Korean Prime Minister pointed out that 70 Korean companies successfully conducted business in Slovakia and that the largest investments were directed to the automotive, electrical and electronics industries. “South Korea is interested in taking part in the fight against the current crisis, and in the restoration of Slovakia’s economic growth,” Han Seung-soo said.

The Prime Minister expressed his belief that after the revival of world markets the Korean companies in Slovakia will also be ‘running at full speed’. At the meeting with the Korean Prime Minister Ivan Gašparovič mentioned that Slovakia was not only interesting for Korea as a business partner, but also because it offers investment possibilities in the area of travel and tourism. In particular with respect to healing and mineral springs and therapeutic stays.

The Slovak Republic considers a Free Trade Agreement concluded between the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Korea an important impetus for the further development of mutual relations. Ivan Gašparovič thinks that Slovakia is a gateway for Korean entrepreneurs to the EU single market.