Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2008 | Bridges of Understanding 2008
Spouse of the President of the Slovak Republic Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová attended on 17th March 2008 the festive concert entitled ´Bridges of Understanding´ held in the Slovak Philharmony. This concert was organized by the pharmaceutical company Zentiva a.s., that in this way again showed that Slovakia and Czech Republic are close to each other. This was confirmed also by Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová: "At this concert could one see and feel that we are very close to each other. It was wonderful, every song, every passage from well known artists sounded very well."
 At one stage met friendly orchestras – slovak Cappella Istropolitana and the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as the czech Virtuosi di Praga and Prague Brass Orchestra. Also the great ukrainian soprano Marina Vyskvorkina and the slovak fluist Soňa Urbaničová showed their mastery.

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