Prezident SR - Foto archív Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Visits Slovakia

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Visits Slovakia

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych arrived in Slovakia for a one-day official visit and was received by Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič in the Presidential Palace. After the welcome ceremony the heads of state had a tête-à-tête conversation before holding a plenary session with the delegations.

The Slovak President was pleased to note that both countries were vitally interested in good bilateral cooperation and stability, including that of the entire Europe. “Today we discussed global problems affecting our countries, as well as Europe and the world,” Gašparovič noted. Their talks also revolved around economic cooperation, energy security and the future and potential of nuclear power. According to Gašparovič, “Slovakia will complete its nuclear power plants; at the same time, however, we will improve the protection and safety of their operation.”
Both heads of state also analysed Slovak-Ukrainian cross-border and regional cooperation and touched on the current international issues and relations. “Slovakia supports and wants to help Ukraine in its European integration efforts. We are convinced that the negotiations towards the Association Agreement and a deep and comprehensive free trade agreement between Ukraine and the EU will be concluded by the end of the year,” the Slovak President said.

Ukrainian President Yanukovych was pleased that the dialogue between both countries was constructive, regular and friendly. He added that Slovakia was a good and stable partner of Ukraine in the Central Europe. “There is a high level of understanding, openness and mutual support between us, all of which represent good prerequisites for mutual cooperation,” Yanukovych said after the talks. The Ukrainian guest thanked Gašparovič for Slovakia’s support to his country on its way to the EU.
The presidents agreed that efforts to simplify local border traffic should continue. “The citizens of both countries will be issued free movement permission at no cost,” Viktor Yanukovych emphasised.

Both presidents also attended an economic forum held in Hotel Bôrik. They told the Slovak and Ukrainian businesspeople that the turnover of goods in the first quarter of this year surged by 75% to USD328 million. The Ukrainian President asked Slovak experts to participate in the modernisation of systems for the supply of oil from the Russian Federation to Europe. “There is a great amount of cooperation potential between our countries and it has not been fully tapped. Therefore I would like to call for more intensive cooperation to be able to proceed faster in addressing all problems between Ukraine and Slovakia.” He highlighted the level of regional cooperation and expressed his belief that it would also continue to influence cooperation of both countries and the highest-level meetings between their representatives.

During the visit of the Ukrainian President, the following bilateral agreements were signed in the Presidential Palace:
Agreement between the Slovak Republic and Ukraine amending and supplementing Agreement between the Slovak Republic and Ukraine on the Local Border Traffic

Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on War Graves

Agreement on Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science , Technology and Culture between the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region and the Zaporizhia Region State Administration

Agreement on Cooperation between the Bratislava Self-Governing Region and the Dnipropetrovsk Region State Administration

Agreement on Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science , Technology and Culture between the Trnava Self-Governing Region and the Kharkiv Region State Administration.