
Year 2006

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The President of the Slovak Republic received Ukrainian Foreign Minister Boris Tarasyuk

The President of the Slovak Republic received Ukrainian Foreign Minister Boris Tarasyuk

March 17, 2006

President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Boris Ivanovich Tarasyuk who primarily appreciated good bilateral relations between Slovakia and Ukraine.

The Minister extended President Jushchenko‘s greetings to the Slovak President and in the course of discussions emphasised a special position and importance of Slovakia for Ukraine in their partnership in the context of mutual historical and cultural bonds. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister underlined the importance of integration experience the Slovak Republic has had in the EU accession process and thanked for the support in Ukraine‘s integration endeavours.

President Ivan Gašparovič appraised the quality of both countries‘ co-operation in science, education and culture. Nevertheless, he pointed out to the necessity of flexible responding to challenges of the era and being oriented to new economic demands. Ukraine being its largest neighbour, it is in the Slovakia‘s interest to support its integration process within the Euro-Atlantic structures and Mr Gašparovič offered Slovakia‘s experience.

The partners also discussed the upcoming parliamentary elections in both countries and the important role of voter participation. President Gašparovič was also interested to know the opinions about the postelection development in Ukraine. The Minister as a member of the political board “Our Ukraine” did not consider the alliance with the Party of Regions and the communists as realistic. He also expressed the thought that the new parliament would stronger collaborate with the President and would be oriented in a more pro-European way.

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