Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2011 | Slovakia has done a fantastic job
Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič and his spouse Silvia Gašparovičová welcomed on 11 May 2011 at the Presidential Palace a sizeable delegation of the International Ice Hockey Federation along with their spouses and representatives of the IIHF World Championship 2011 Organizing Committee led by the IIHF President René Fasel.
In his speech our supreme leader praised the IIHF for their confidence in the organization of the World Hockey Cup. "I am delighted that Slovakia has made every effort to ensure that these championships were successful."
 IIHF President spared no words of recognition to Slovakia as the world hockey championships organizing country. „You are not only President of the Slovak Republic, but also President of the so called Slovakia Hockey Republic and for me it´s a great honor to stand here today," said René Fasel. In his words addressed to the head of state he said that "you can be proud of the people in Slovakia. Everyone did a fantastic and great job."
IIHF President thanked the organizers and numerous volunteers, and highly praised the accomplishmed fan environment in Slovakia. „Fan background was great and amazing. And let me to thank you for such great people who live in this country," said the IIHF President. |