

How to search correctly

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Inputting search request 

Simple request is made by typing in a keyword. If multiple keywords are used separated by space, search engine will look up all records showing all keywords at than same time. Individual keywords may be connected with one another by Boolean algebra operators into more complex expressions.


According to the following sequence operators have priority when typing in keywords:

[+, &, AND] - operator has the meaning "and at the same time...",
[|, OR] - operator has the meaning "or",
[-, NOT] - negation operator.

Keyword examples 

Example 1: ’president’ - will look up all documents containing the keyword ’president’
Example 2: ’president news’ - will look up all documents containing both the keyword ’president’ and ’news’ at the same time. Such search request may also be typed in as ’president and news’, ’news and president’, ’president+news’, ...
Example 3: ’president+news-palace’ - will look up all documents containing both the keyword ’president’ and ’news’ at the same time but not the keyword ’palace.’ Such search request may also be typed in as ’president and news not palace’ , ...
Example 4: ’president?’ will look up all documents containing the keywords ’president’, ’presidents’, ...
Example 5: ’president*’ will look up all documents containing the keywords ’president’, ’president’s’, ’presidents’, ...
Example 6: ’president of the slovak republic’ will look up all documents containing the phrase ’president of the slovak republic’.
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