Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

First Lady´s visit in the Children Oncology

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2008 | First Lady´s visit in the Children Oncology

On 17th December 2008 visited Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová, spouse of the President of the Slovak Republic, in-patients of the Children´s Carcinology Clinic at the Children´s Teaching Hospital in Bratislava.

Návšteva prvej dámy na detskej onkológii v Bratislave

In this pre-christmas time she came to the small patients for spirit them up. Mrs. Gašparovičová came not with lonely hands – she brought delicious apples, sweeties, books and group games. She also didn´t forget fans of PC games and Lego. Thanks to the financial gift of the Businesswomen TOP Centre (TCP) could Mrs. Silvia Gašparovičová twinkle many children´s eyes. First Lady asked the small patients about their wishes and ambitions and she also encouraged them in their fight against their disease.

Návšteva prvej dámy na detskej onkológii v Bratislave

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