Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová

55. anniversary of institutional education in Slovakia

Home | First lady | Activities of Silvia Gašparovičová | Year 2008 | 55. anniversary of institutional education in Slovakia

The history of education of slovak medical staff was a project for many decades. Although today is our public health wrestled by many problems we shouldn´t forget the work of medics. Recognising of medical staff and their teachers – that was the aim of the festive hanging of the Slovak Medical University convocation by the occasion of the 55. anniversary of institutional education of medical staff in Slovakia. It was hold on May 12, 2008 in the Slovak Philharmony building in Bratislava under the auspice of Mr. Pavol Paška, chairman of the NR SR.

55. anniversary of institutional education in Slovakia

During the ceremony were festive commemorative medals committed to people who quovis modo endeavoured to the medical staff education. One of these medals was given to the president of Slovakia who thanked trough a letter red by Mrs. Gašparovičová. As he said, „...we have to look after our health as first. Health and life are the most important values.“ He wished the Slovak Medical University many success in future education of medical staff.

55. anniversary of institutional education in Slovakia

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